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Department of the Air Force Coasters, Set of 4, Includes Deluxe Gift Boxing
Department of the Air Force Coasters Set of 4, Designed at Manufactured by the White House Gift Shop, Est. 1946. Made in the USA
Regular Price: $39.00

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The White House Gift Shop Est. 1946 Heritage Sandstone Coaster Collection
Department of the Air Force Coasters

Set of 4
Premium Sandstone Coasters
Each Coaster Measures at 2.65 x 2.65 inches
Includes White Gift Box with Presidential Seal

Designed In-House by the White House Gift Shop, Est. 1946
Made in the USA!

The Perfect Coaster Set For Gift Giving


The White House Gift Shop® holds all United States Patent and Trademark Office exclusive rights to its names and variants as well as provides unique works for former Presidents of the United States, U.S. Embassies, virtually all Departments of the U.S. Government, film and television studios, and importantly patriotic Americans and beloved friends of America. WHGS is the "only original official" White House Gift Shop® now permanently and privately endowed.

Thank you for your continued support of the White House Gift Shop, Est. 1946 by
permanent memorandum of President Harry. S. Truman and Members of the United States Secret Service.

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