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White House Apparel & Accessories

White House Gift Shop’s roots in the Office of the President in 1946 by permanent memorandum order of President Truman, the Secret Service Inspector, and Brigadier General Harry Vaughan, along with our ongoing support for the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division make us the authentic source for your White House, Presidential, Diplomatic, and Commemorative Military apparel. We have Air Force One guest style flight jackets that are custom made for our shop. Our other popular items include our White House Presidential Seal windbreaker, and Air Force One round seal t-shirts.

Presidential Apparel

If you’re looking for the perfect gift for the golf enthusiast who loves the Oval Office, check out our Executive Member Pebble Beach golf shirts. These polos are embroidered with the Presidential Seal and are made from a performance blend to keep you cool on the course.

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seal-of-the-president-golf-shirt-gray-white-house-gift-shop Presidential Eagle Seal Polo Shirt - Light Gray
Regular Price: $45.00
Sale: $29.95